Robert Cunningham
Robert attended Queens University for law school and has been practicing for over 25 years, initially in personal injury and defense insurance work, and primarily in family law for the last 15 years. He resides in London, Ontario with his wife and two children.
Robert believes that it is far more cost-effective and healthier for separating parties to try to work through their separation on a collaborative basis, supported by counsel who share this perspective. The family law horror stories that one hears about almost always occur when one or both parties have lost perspective on what is important, and the willingness to compromise to mutual advantage. To obtain the full benefits of the process the parties need to be prepared to transparently exchange information and work together to achieve a resolution. If they do work together, however, they will be much further ahead than if they proceed through adversarial and positional litigation.
Barrister and Solicitor
341 Talbot Street
London, ON N6A 2R5
Phone: (519) 433-9061
Fax: (519) 601-5866